Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is it me or......

Is it me or is it time for people to start being a little more considerate towards others feelings? I'm in a weird situation right now. About a month ago, a co-worker got very defensive when I asked if another person (whom sits in front of this defensive person) was out on leave for the day. But as soon as I started to ask the question she cut me off right as I said " Do you know if Diamond" then she got really loud and said "Diamond is here so just wait for her"!! Now, I am from a place called "the hood" and I was about to lay it on her, but I became the better person and walked away without conflict. Now folks that are from where i'm from might call that punking out but I had to look at the situation from her point of view. Now from what I found out, this defensive person had just lost a brother whom was a local attorney and was murder by a co-worker for making him look bad in front of the judge. Now mind you they did win the case when a most unfortunate event occured. The offended co-worker was so pissed at this defensive persons brother that he murdered him in the parking lot of the court house right after the trial. I know your thinking the same thing I was thinking when I found out. What in the world is wrong with this idiot when they both just made a ton of money by getting a guilty man off when he should be spending the rest of his time behind bars (always remember you are guilty until proven innocent). So (back to the issue) maybe that's why she is so snappy towards me. Or maybe it's because she is at that age where menopause is affecting her emotions so she yells out things like she has territes syndrome or something. Either way I did what i'm suppose to do as a normal human being would and walked away before it got ugly. And trust me, I would have been terminated if I was still not considerate towards peoples feelings. Sometimes you never know what the other man or woman is going through so think before you act and always make the right decision. The wrong decision could cost you finacially, and emotionally. Until tonight for the next thought..... Peace


Martin / Aileen said...

since nobody bother to leave a comment I will leave one for myself. For your very 1st blog you did an okay job. Never give your self to much credit because there is always more that can be learned. keep on keepin on

Martin / Aileen said...

I cant stand people that do not know how to act professional in the work place. Or show respect! I think you wrote this well and put things in perspective.. and in a humorous way! Good job!

Amanda Mays said...

Well said, people need to grow up and learn how to act! But more importantly I like how you talk about never knowing what someone else is going through. I always try to live by that. People have bad days, and good people can have bad moments. It doesnt do anybody any good to let yourself fly of the handle becuase someone else is acting up. It shows a real side of maturity to not let other people actions effect the why you act.