Friday we had a blast at the War Room! Saturday was tough because our son was sick with a high fever so we had to leave him at home with my mom.. then to top it off it rained =(... but even with the rain our friends came out to celebrate with Martin rain and all. Just goes to show that true friends will be there for you rain or shine! They weren't even mad at us for being late!! It was a great weekend! Happy Bday Baby, may you have many many more to come. I love you very much and even though the weather sucked on Saturday, and Poo was sick we made the very best of it. I hope that your 30's are filled with good times and wonderful memories with our family and friends! ♥ aileen
Our outlet to showcase our pictures, our thoughts, our life, our company. Definition Ink. There's no definition for essence but ink will help you understand.
We're a "soon to be" husband and wife team that share the same passion for photography as we do for eachother. Our kids are our life and if it wasn't for their love and beauty then we probably wouldn't be living out our dreams today. They give us the reason to strive and succeed in everything we do.
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